/dev/random: Whatever floats your boat

March 31, 2013


/dev/random: Redacted

March 24, 2013


I have no idea what bug in the comic generator caused the text boxes to fill in completely with black, but I like how it turned out.

/dev/random: Higher Res or GTFO

March 17, 2013


/dev/random: Es privado.

March 10, 2013


/dev/random: Hey, this is NSFW.

March 3, 2013


A while ago someone was uploading 3d-printable sex toys to Thingiverse. IIRC, the models got deleted pretty fast.

/dev/random is an autogenerated comic that scrapes Thingiverse and Reddit for content: here’s the lowdown on how it works.

/dev/random: TL;DR

February 24, 2013


/dev/random: Another nut joke

February 17, 2013


A woman walks into a bar and asks for a double entendre, so the bartender gave her one.

/dev/random : Midwivery

February 3, 2013


I get teh feels that 3D printing at home has advanced to the point where we’re experiencing the same birthing pangs that desktop publishing did in the early 90’s.

This too, shall pass. Unfortunately, we’ll soon enter the period where ease of use means that Aunt Mary designs and prints you a coffee cup with your siblings’ headscans bulging out of it like Dead Space necromorphs.

Actually, I’d kind of like one of those.

/dev/random : No instructions provided

January 27, 2013


I’m moving the comic to Sunday-only for two reasons. One, I feel like I’m spamming myself by posting comics three times a week.

Two, the vast majority of comics generated by the script just aren’t funny. My code generates one comic every ten minutes, so over the course of a week that should be over 1000 comics to choose from. One of those has to be amusing. But three?

Anyway, hipsters are always a good punching bag, even if they’re a bit past their humor sell-by date in 2013.

The grody code at the beginning of Character 1’s speech balloon shows that my HTML filter isn’t quite catching everything the new Thingiverse throws out there, so I’ll do a little tweaking this week and take care of that.

/dev/random returns

January 23, 2013


Thingiverse recently updated its website and in the process broke my comment scraper. The flu kept me from focusing on a screen long enough to fix, but now it’s repaired.