
You are on a lush hillside, facing north.

You stand before a series of doors embedded in the earth. The doors don’t appear to have hinges, locks, or handles. Most are overgrown with brambles, but two look accessible without too much trouble.

In the distance, a crow squawks three times.

If you’ve come here from Thingiverse, go ahead and try your hand at one of the Cryptstone challenges.

Inside the crypt are new Seej models that aren’t available on Thingiverse. You’ve got to download the Cryptstone block for each challenge, crack the code, and pillage the crypt yourself.

Everything required to solve the puzzles is contained within the STL files on Thingiverse. The descriptions surrounding the Cryptstone bloxen and the Crypt doors are unrelated to the puzzles; they’re just window dressing and contain no hints or clues.

Stuck on the password? Need a hint? Follow Zheng3_Jim on Twitter and send me a direct message.

Seej is an Open-Source tabletop wargame based around 3D printing. Rules and more information at

Good luck. We’re all counting on you.

NEWEST: Cryptstone Challenge Secundus

This sturdy door is made of iron. A small barred grate might allow the tiniest sliver of light through the top of the door, were the spaces in the mesh not corroded into a single mass.

Say something.

If you don’t already have it, go get the Cryptstone Bloxen, Oubliette from Thingiverse and see what you can do to figure out the password.

Cryptstone Challenge 000

This runebound door is weathered with age and bears many scars from many attempts to pry it open. Scattered around the base of the door are crumpled bits of parchment, left by frustrated scribes unable to decipher the runes.

Say something.

To attempt this challenge, you’ll need to go get the Cryptstone Bloxen from Thingiverse and decode the password encoded in the mesh data.

The inspiration for these puzzles came from The Information: A History, A Theory, A Flood by James Gleick. Highly recommended if you’re at all interested in the history of computing and cryptography, or if you’ve heard someone mention a Turing machine but don’t really understand what one is.

You can also use the cover of the book to hypnotize the weak-minded. Not sure if that works with a Kindle.

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